Denna krispiga och naturliga müsli har inspirerats av Tactical Foodpacks kvinnor.
Den har en otroligt god lukt och är helt galet gott.
Frystorkade jordgubbar ger den rätta touchen.

Vid rekommenderad mängd tillsatt vatten blir denna portion ca. 3 dl.
Energiinnehållet per portion är 504 kcal.

Havregryn (63%), helmjölkspulver, sirap (socker), jordgubbsskivor (5%), jordgubbskoncentrat (100% jordgubbar), vaniljsocker.

Bäst före: 4 år


Crunchy Muesli with Strawberries 125g

This crispy and natural muesli is inspired by TF-team women. It has ridiculously good smell and it is crazy delicious. Freeze dried strawberries are giving this the final right touch.

At the recommended amount of added water, this portion will be approx. 3 dl.
Energy content per portion is 504 kcal.

Rolled oats (63%), whole milk powder, sugar syrup (sugar), strawberry slices (5%), strawberry concentrate (100% strawberry) ,vanilla sugar.

Best before: 4 year

Designed for special forces, now available for you!

• Taste that reminds you of home, even in the toughest conditions
• A satisfying meal, loads of energy, no empty calories
• Only natural and balanced ingredients

FAST & EASY TO PREPARE – Even in the Most Difficult Conditions.
Ready in 10 minutes, just add hot water, wait a bit and enjoy.

• Open the package
• Remove oxygen absorber
• Add hot water
• Stir
• Close the bag and wait 7-9 min


– Unique material:
• Fully integrates comfort and efficiency, can be placed directly over a small fire

– Easy to reach:
• Lower package, so no need to get messy to reach the bottom

– No folds or corners:
• Rounded corners inside mean no more fishing around for that last bit

– A seal you can trust:
• Special design grip means no more leaks

– Recognised design:
• Received the 2017 Bronze Egg award in packaging design

PRESERVATION TIME IS 8 YEARS: (unless otherwise stated above)
Thanks to a special technology, Tactical Foodpack can offer a “best before” of 8 years. Even after that, the food is completely edible, as the environment created is 99.9% dry and thus, unsuitable for bacteria. However, after that time, the taste and structure of food may change a bit and in order to ensure the best quality, our preservation time is currently set to 8 years.

• Manufacturer: Tactical Foodpack
• Country of origin: Estonia
• EAN: 4744698010304
• Taric: 20052010
• Order number: TF00314

Crunchy Muesli Strawberries - Tactical Foodpack Crunchy Muesli with Strawberri...

Det ursprungliga priset var: 99,00 kr.Det nuvarande priset är: 75,00 kr.

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