Vattenreningstabletter med hög kvalitet och som används av British Army och NATO.

Vattenreningstabletter är ett enkelt, effektivt och snabbt sätt att rena ditt dricksvatten.
Lägg i en tablett i 1,5 liter vatten och vänta i cirka 30 minuter. Rör om / skaka lätt med jämna mellanrum för att säkerställa reningsprocessen.

Idealiska för camping, bushcraft eller för militär personal som reser till platser där vatten kan vara förorenat.
Gör att vattnet blir säkert att användas som dricksvatten, matlagning, tandborstning, sårtvätt och mycket annat.
Denna tablettkarta innehåller 10st vattenreningstabletter och renar totalt 15 liter vatten.
Kompakt, lätt och smidig att alltid ha med på vandringen.

Bäst före-datum: 2023-10-09


Oxygen and water are essential to all life.

The United Nations reports that 80% of all diseases in the world are water related and that 50% of infant
mortality worldwide is caused by water borne diseases. (International drinking water supply and sanitation decade – United Nations 1981)

The requirement for a compact, easy to use, fast acting water purification system for use where water is contaminated was recognised as long ago as the early 1900's.
Most of the world's piped water supplies are treated with chlorine. However, the conventional chlorine donor, sodium hypochlorite is a liquid that degrades with age and it is difficult to calculate accurate in-use dilutions.

This Water Purification Tablets are manufactured to an effervescent formulation containing sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) – an organic chlorine donor with a superior disinfection capacity to sodium hypochlorite, a near neutral pH and a simple, easy to understand dosing system for added safety.

Each tablet is carefully manufactured to strict specifications ensuring an accurate chlorine level.

Bactericidal Activity
This tablets kill bacteria, bacterial spores, cysts, algae, fungi, protozoa and viruses and are especially lethal to Entamoeba histolytica.

The following causative water borne organisms amongst others, are killed by this water purifcation tablets:
• Salmonella typhi
• Vibrio cholerae
• Shigella sonnei
• Streptococcus faecalis
• Escherichia coli

Commonly recognised micro-organisms that cause diseases such as typhoid, dysentry, cholera, polio and diarrhoea are killed by this tablets.

Each tablet contains 17mg Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate and purifies 1.5 liters of water.

Best before date: 2023-10-09

• Condition:
• Manufacturer: Oasis United Kingdom (Hydrachem) ilitary product
• Order Number: MIL00149

British Army Water Purification Tablets [10st] Vattenreningstabletter [10st] ...

Det ursprungliga priset var: 49,00 kr.Det nuvarande priset är: 35,00 kr.

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